Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sending Sister Wynn Off!

Hello everyone! This is Mike, and I'm Ellen's older brother (or in this case, we should address her as Sister Wynn!). I am taking over in updating her mission blog while she is away so you can stay up-to-date as her E-mails (and some letters) come in. This morning, we drove her to the airport for her flight to Salt Lake City so she could report to the Missionary Training Center down in Provo. We couldn't be more proud of her!

Here some final pictures of her with family members before parting ways:


On behalf of Sister Wynn, thank you for your support and prayers as well as your general interest in her time as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

You lock your heart and leave the key at home

Yesterday I felt pangs of sadness because it finally hit me that I won't see my loved ones for a whole year and a half. When I first decided to serve a mission, I thought time would fly by before I reported to the MTC because there would be nothing for me in Salem. Because it's Salem. All the buildings here are made of concrete and it just rains and rains. Gross, right?

This summer has been one of the most memorable summers of my life.

It was the summer that I finally gave in and went to the single's ward, and as a result made incredible friends. I discovered how beautiful Oregon was after 3 years of being here as little as possible.

After I opened my call, May and June dragged on and on. Then this last month passed in the blink of an eye, and it feels like I only have mere hours to spend time with those I want to and say how I feel. And pack. So much packing and last minute errands.

Anyway, I felt all of this at Round Table Pizza while I was eating lunch with my family. I made a sad face and said, "I'm gonna miss you guys so much," through a mouthful of cinnamon bread. I met up with them for lunch again at my favorite Indian restaurant,* but in contrast to yesterday, I was bubbly and excited to leave.

*I will eat lots of amazing Indian food on my mission, yet I still go here all the time. No regrets.

And then there are my friends. Who knows where they'll be in 18 months. I think about where I was 18 months ago and laugh. I was completely different. Also, I was living in Hawaii. What I'm trying to get at is all of my friends will probably be married/not in town and I will have to make new friends to annoy with my mission stories. But I love them and hope they find happiness wherever they go.

I think it's normal to feel a little sad and to miss the things/people you love, as long as it doesn't get in the way of your work.

To paraphrase President Kimball, you have to lock your heart. Lock it up nice and tight.

If I was too subtle (sarcasm), I just meant to say there are people here I'm going to miss.

Like Hugh Jackman.

This Mission Ring

My grandpa has a cool tradition of giving rings to his kids that went on missions to wear for the duration of their mission, and he continued it with his grandkids. They tend to be ruby rings. Since all of his rings are man-rings, he gave me a gorgeous necklace with a ruby in it. Because my price is far above rubies (name that scripture*).

Elder McCarthy rockin' that man-ring.

I've been on the hunt for a legit ring. It's proving to be difficult because I have freakishly tiny fingers.

Check out this legacy of missionaries from my family:


R = RULES:  Be obedient to mission rules at all times.  Follow the mission president.

I = INSPIRATION:  Prayer + Listening + Meditation + Obedience + Action = A humble missionary.

N = NEVER QUIT:  Work full time for 2 years for the Lord.  Work hard and smart.

G = GRATITUDE:  Be thankful for this opportunity to serve a mission.  Be grateful to
                                    Your Father in Heaven.  Be grateful to your Mom and Dad.  Be          
                                      Grateful for your companion.  Be gracious to all you serve.


Paul Ross Wynn                       1947-1949       Eastern States
Thayle Wynn                            1948-1949       Eastern States   (companion with Ross)
Ross & Thayle Wynn                1987-1989       Ohio Akron
Ross & Thayle Wynn                1999-2000       Mesa Family History Center
Ross & Thayle Wynn                2000-2001       Mesa Family History Center
Paul Robert Wynn                    1968-1970       Gulf States & Washington
Scott R Wynn                           1969-1971       Korea Seoul
Todd B Wynn                          1975-1977       Japan Kobe-Kyoto
Alan K Wynn                           1977-1979       Korea Pusan
Loila Wynn                               1978-1980       Germany Hamburg
Brian L Wynn                           1981-1982       Ecuador Quito & California Jose  (Spanish)
David “Sam” Wynn                  1983-1985       California Los Angeles  (Spanish)
Elecia Clark                              1993-1994       California Riverside
Weston Wynn                          1997-1999       Brazil Porto Alegra
Kally Clark                               1994-1996       California San Fernando
Adam Wynn                             2002-2004       Texas Fort Worth
Mathew A Wynn                      2004-2006       Taiwan Taichong
Christopher R Wynn                 2008-2009       Pennsylvania Philadelphia
Mikel R Wynn                          2010-2012       Japan Nagoya
Nathan Wynn                           2011-2013       Mexico Monterrey East
Logan Wynn                             2011-2013       Arizona Tucson
Ryker Wynn                             2011-2013       Mexico Mexico City North West
Spencer McCarthy                   2012-2014       Scotland-Ireland
Ellen L Wynn                           2013-2015        Singapore/Malaysia

*Poverbs 31:10 homeboys.